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Grants Recieved

The grants received score is calculated from the value of grants that a municipality was able to obtain from other levels of government. It measures how entrepreneurial the local government is.

Score: much below average

Elected Officials Turnover

The turnover in elected officials score is a composite of whether the municipality participated in the most recent general municipal election, and, if yes, what the voter turnout was. This represents how interested voters are in local government.

Score: very much above average

Part of MCO

Whether a community is part of a munti-community organization or not indicates the ability of the local government to work with others. The higher this is, the more viable regional services and employment schemes are likely to be in general.

Score: slightly below average

Volunteer Organizations

Volunteer organizations refers to whether the community has a growing and healthy supply of volunteers in the economy. The higher the number, the more citizens are involved in their local government, and the more inclusive the community is.

Score: much above average
