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Flat Bay

Distance to Retail Location

The distance to a retail centre is a measure of the proximity of a community to a designated shopping community. As the score decreases it indicates an increasing degree of isolation and potentially decreasing economic diversity.

Score: slightly below average

Self Employment Ratio

Self Employment - is the total score for people in the workforce who are self employed. It provides a measure of creativity and internal growth.

Score: Missing or Incomplete Data

Three Largest Employers Share

The share of employment in the three largest employers in a community is the percentage of workers who work for the three largest firms. A high number here represents potential instability and high risk in the event of an industry downturn or closure.

Score: moderately above average

Percentage Primary Secondary Industries

The percentage in primary and secondary industries score is calculated from the percentage of the workforce employed in resource extraction and manufacturing industries. For ease of interpretation, the inverse of the variable is displayed here. While this represents a source of market income for the economy, if it is very low it can indicate an overexposure to shocks and a lack of stability in the labour force.

Score: Missing or Incomplete Data
