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Port au Port West-Aguathuna-Felix Cove

Distance to St. John's or Corner Brook

The distance to St. John's or Corner Brook measures access to the province's largest urban areas. The closer a community is, the better access to urban advantages (such as improved transportation and specialized retail & commercial services). Lower scores indicates decreasing accessibility whereby a very low score would indicate no accessibility to a service or location.

Score: slightly below average

Distance to TCH

The distance to the Trans Canada Highway represents the degree of access a community has to the province's primary transportation route, and the trade that travels along it. Lower scores indicates decreasing accessibility whereby a very low score would indicate no accessibility to a service or location.

Score: moderately above average

Distance to Tourist Destination

The distance to a tourist destination measures the potential a community has of being able to capitalize on spinoffs resulting from out of province visitors. Lower scores indicates decreasing accessibility whereby a very low score would indicate no accessibility to a service or location.

Score: slightly below average
