Pseudo Comparitive Advantage: Point Leamington
This community has a partially well utilized workforce, that is only somewhat realizing its comparative advantage of being located on the coast. This community should focus on improving performance with respect to its job market and income utilization. Its labour market is relatively well structured.
The best competitive level for this community in terms of Demography is at the Economic Zone level where it has a moderate Pseudo Comparative Advantage
The best competitive level for this community in terms of Economic Structure is at the Provincial level where it has a low Pseudo Comparative Disadvantage
The best competitive level for this community in terms of Income Structure is at the Economic Zone level where it has a low Pseudo Comparative Disadvantage
This is community is a relatively
- competitive provincial labour supply centre
- competitive regional labour supply centre
- competitive local labour supply centre
This community can compete with similar-sized communities on a provincial, regional, or local scale.